Turkey Fideos

Not sure what to do with turkey leftovers this year? Try my Turkey Fideos recipe to mix it up! Buen Provecho! -Chef Richard Sandoval


Turkey Fideos Recipe
by Chef Richard Sandoval

Serves 4

1 lb spaghettini pasta; broken into smaller pieces

2 tbsp fresh cilantro paste *

1 tbsp ají amarillo paste

Leftover turkey bones

2 carrots; peeled and chopped

½ head celery; chopped

1 white onion; chopped

2 tbsp roasted garlic **

1 red bell pepper; diced

4 oz green peas

2 carrots; peeled and diced

Left over turkey meat; pulled

Vegetable oil


In a stockpot, put turkey bones with the chopped carrots, celery and chopped onions and cover with water. Bring to boil and cook for 3 hours, or until flavorful.  Strain this broth and reserve.  In a large pot, fry the spaghettini in enough vegetable oil to cover. When pasta is crispy; remove from oil and let dry, being sure to drain off all excess oil. In a large pan (similar to a pan one might use for paella), sauté more onion and roasted garlic in vegetable oil until onion is soft.  Add the aji amarillo paste and cook until toasted, about 1 minute more. At this point, add the fried spaghettini and some of the turkey stock. Simmer until the pasta is about half cooked, and then add the cilantro paste, and additional stock if needed. When pasta is al dente, add the peas, diced carrots and turkey meat and warm through.  Serve immediately.

*Purée fresh cilantro (leaves only) with a couple of tablespoons of fresh water and then finish by adding oil to the blender while it is running to create a smooth puree. Season with salt and pepper and reserve.

**Place a layer of garlic cloves in a baking dish and cover with olive oil.  Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes until garlic is toasted and soft. Strain from oil and purée until smooth.