Chef Feature: Marko Maric + Scallop Ceviche

WhatsApp Image 2020-02-05 at 12.22.21 PM.jpeg

Executive Chef - Zengo at the Kempinski Residences & Suites in Doha, Qatar

RSH: How long have you been with Richard Sandoval Hospitality?
MM: 5 years and 3 months

RSH: When did you know you wanted to be a chef?
MM: When I felt the heat of the real kitchen for the first time.

RSH: How do you get your inspiration?
MM: Childhood, culture, dreams, books, curiosity…

RSH: Funniest kitchen incident?
MM: Oh, how to choose only one…Ok, during last opening of Toro in Turkey one of the local Chefs saw Habanero for the first time , and from some reason he didn’t believe it when I said it is one of the spiciest chilies in the word, I turned back 3 seconds, he grabs one and bites half, with the seed. t is hard to explain his face expressions and sound he was making in next 20 minutes!

RSH: Did you eat your veggies growing up?
MM: I was forced. I enjoy it now though.

RSH: Best cooking tip for a beginner chef just getting into the business?
MM:Get rid of your ego, it will prevent you from continuing to learn and grow. Change, run from comfort zone, read, work hard, keep yourself hydrated, breathe, stay focused, stay humble, always, no matter what you achieve.

RSH: Who in the food world do you most admire?  
MM: At the moment, Dan Barber and Magnus Nilsson. I think what they are trying to do today, we will all follow in maybe 15-20 years, in order to survive. By far two most thoughtful chefs of today, definitely ahead of their time.

RSH: Hometown?
MM: Belgrade, Serbia 

RSH: One-word description of yourself?
MM: Believer

RSH: Favorite Richard Sandoval restaurant?
MM: Zengo Doha

RSH: Favorite 90’s jam?
MM: Wu Tang – anything from 36 chambers

RSH: Favorite place you have traveled?
MM: Hoi An, village in central Vietnam 

RSH: Top of your bucket list?
MM: Kyoto, Japan

RSH: Do you have a favorite food to cook with?
MM: I love them all

RSH: Are there any foods that you dislike?
MM: Foods, no. Dishes , yes.

RSH: Favorite Sports team to cheer for?
MM: Red Star F.C 

RSH: One thing you would take on a deserted island with you?
MM: Supercharged speed boat to drive myself home

RSH: A live act you would like to see you haven’t seen yet?
MM: NBA all star game, live

RSH: A movie you can watch over and over?
MM: Snatch , Forrest Gump – million times

RSH: Favorite kitchen gadget?
MM: If I need to choose only one, Sous Vide

RSH: Favorite cookbook?
MM: Modernist Cuisine, all 5.

RSH: What’s going to be the next big thing in the food world?
MM: High awareness of impact that food have on our health will soon change the game completely. Next superstars are farmers.

RSH: What recipe are you sharing with us today?  
MM: Hotate Cevice with Passionfruit and lemon grass leche de tigre

RSH: Why do you love this recipe?
MM: It is a reverse scenario of Nikkei, instead of Asian cook coming to South America and using his  knowledge cooking with South American ingredients, we were wondering what will happen if South American Chef go to Asia and make Ceviche with Asian ingredients. It’s fun, and it works.


Scallop Ceviche

with Passionfruit & Lemongrass Leche de Tigre

Serves 4


  • Fresh Hotate or Scallops - 10 oz (8 pcs, sliced Sashimi style)

  • Water chestnuts - 2 oz (drained)

For Passion Fruit Leche de Tigre:

  • 2 Passionfruits (or 4 tbsp passion fruit puree)

  • 1 cup Lemongrass (White part only, diced)

  • 1/2 cup Galangal (White part only, diced)

  • 1/2 cup Ginger (peeled & roughly chopped)

  • 6 Kafir lime leaves (remove stem, julienne chop)

  • 2 tbsp Yuzu juice

  • 2 tbsp Lime juice

  • 1/4 tbsp Hondashi

  • 1 cup fresh Coriander (roughly chopped)

  • 1/4 cup Shallots (roughly chopped)

  • 3 cloves Garlic (peeled)

  • 1 Bird's Eye Chile (halved, seeds removed)

  • 1 tbsp Mirin

For Garnish:

  • 1 Jalapeno chili (thinly sliced)

  • 1 Red Holland chili (thinly sliced)

  • 1/2 tbsp Arare rice

  • Salt - to taste


Make the Leche de Tigre:

  1. Cut the passion fruits in half. Scrape the pulp out & strain the pulp through a fine sieve or colander. Discard the seeds and set juice aside.

  2. Using a mortar & pestle, grind the lemongrass, galangal, kafir lime leaves, coriander, shallots, garlic, red bird eye chili. Add a pinch of salt to release juice & flavors. Add yuzu, lime juice, passion fruit puree, hondashi and mirin. Mix and let sit in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

  3. After 30 minutes, remove leche de tigre mix from the refrigerator and strain. Set aside.

Assemble the Ceviche:

  1. Cut scallops in slices, add water chestnuts, season with pinch of salt, mix and let it sit for a minute. Add leche de tigre mix, serve inside of scallop shell on the ice or bowl.

  2. Garnish ceviche with jalapeno chile slices, holland chile slices, coriander leaves, arare rice crumbles and salt. To keep ceviche cold when serving, keep on ice.