Chef Feature: Carlos Hannon + Shrimp Enchiladas

Chef Carlos Hannon

Culinary Director - Richard Sandoval Hospitality
Follow Chef Hannon on Instagram


RSH: How long have you been with Richard Sandoval Hospitality?
CH: Since September 2017

RSH: When did you know you wanted to be a chef?.
CH: Well, I had a lot of influence from my grandmother since I was child, however it was when I was 15 years old I started looking at culinary schools.

RSH: How do you get your inspiration?
CH: Definitely from my grandmother, however my three kids are my biggest inspiration.

RSH: Funniest kitchen incident?
CH: First time I used a digital oven I placed the food and I thought it was cooking after 4 hours I came to see the meat and it was completely raw… I forgot to push the “start” button… everybody was laughing!

RSH: Did you eat your veggies growing up?
CH: Basically carrots, thanks to Bugs Bunny…

RSH: Best cooking tip for a beginner chef just getting into the business?
CH: Learn the basic recipes.

RSH: Who in the food world do you most admire?  
CH: Honestly Chef Richard Sandoval - and not because I work in the company, I admire the way he created his company, his restaurants and the way he put the Mexican Cuisine on the Culinary Map.

RSH: Astrological Sign?
CH: Sagittarius


RSH: Hometown?
CH: Guadalajara

RSH: Guilty Pleasure?
CH: Krispy Kreme Donuts

RSH: Drink of Choice?
CH: Mexican Wine

RSH: One-word description of yourself?
CH: Intense!

RSH: Favorite Richard Sandoval restaurant?
CH: Toro Toro Dubai

RSH: Favorite 90’s jam?
CH: Michael Jackson

RSH: Favorite place you have traveled?
CH: Osaka, Japan

RSH: Top of your bucket list?
CH: Visit Thailand

RSH: Last Meal?
CH: Tacos!

RSH: Do you have a favorite food to cook with?
CH: Seafood and chilies

RSH: Are there any foods that you dislike?
CH: Not really, but I always avoid capers.

RSH: Favorite Sports team to cheer for?
CH: Dallas Cowboys

RSH: One thing you would take on a deserted island with you?
CH: Avocados!

RSH: A live act you would like to see you haven’t seen yet?
CH: I would love to be on a the stadium for any super bowl along with my son Sebastian

RSH: A movie you can watch over and over?
CH: Ratatouille

RSH: Favorite kitchen gadget?
CH: Knife, it’s an extension of your hand

RSH: Favorite cookbook?
CH: The Professional Chef by the Culinary Institute of America, it has the best basic recipes

RSH: What’s going to be the next big thing in the food world?
CH: The influence of the Mexican and Peruvian cuisine, which is happening now!

RSH: What recipe are you sharing with us today?  
CH: Shrimp Enchiladas, they are very simple to make at home!

RSH: Why do you love this recipe?
CH: The sauce is so simple & tasty, and there’s a perfect balance between the chili guajillo and the shrimp!



Yield: 1 serving



Creamy Guajillo Tomato Sauce
1 oz olive oil
1 medium red onion (diced)
1 garlic clove (chopped)
2 tbsp tomato paste
5 lbs plum tomatoes
5 cups chicken stock
1 cup heavy cream
8 guajillo chiles
Salt & Pepper (to taste)

For the Shrimp Filling:
2 tbsp white onion (finely chopped)
1 clove garlic (finely chopped)
1/4 lb fresh shrimp (about 16-20 shrimp - roughly chopped)
2 oz Oaxaca cheese (crumbled)
1 oz olive oil
Salt & Pepper (to taste)

To Assemble:
Corn Tortillas
Olive Oil
Recommended garnishes: Oaxaca Cheese, Sour Cream, Cilantro



  1. Remove seeds from guajillo chiles. Toast the gaujillo chiles in a saute pan for 5 minutes and reserve.

  2. In a pot, add onion and the garlic until the onions are translucent. Add plum tomatoes and let them cook at medium heat for around 12 minutes. Add the chilies and the tomato paste and cook for 7 minutes. Then, add the chicken stock, bring to boil and them keep it at simmering for 15 minutes. Remove from heat & let cool for 7 minutes.

  3. Blend the cooled sauce mixture in a blender until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.


  1. In a sauté pan, heat the olive oil then add the onion and garlic until onion is translucent and garlic is fragrant.

  2. Add the shrimp and sauté until shrimp is fully cooked. Remove from heat & add the Oaxaca cheese. Mix well and reserve.


  1. Heat the Guajillo Tomato sauce and reserve.

  2. Soak the tortillas in oil. Heat the oiled tortillas in a flat pan on both sides for around 20 seconds for each side. Remove from heat.

  3. Add the shrimp filling to each tortilla and fold.

  4. TO SERVE: On plate, add a dollop of sauce in the middle of the plate, then add the 3 enchiladas on top of the sauce. Cover the top of the enchiladas with more sauce & garnish with more sautéed shrimp, sour cream, oaxaca cheese and cilantro leaves.